Have you recently undergone more intensive dental treatment? At DeStefano Dentistry, we offer the StellaLife® VEGA® Oral Care Recovery Kit in Pittsford, New York. This product is a perfect option to help patients have a smoother recovery after treatment.

StellaLife Vega Oral Care

What Is It?

The StellaLife VEGA Oral Care Recovery Kit is an antimicrobial medicine used to encourage healing and prevent infection after oral surgery, such as tooth extraction, dental implants or periodontal procedures. It is opioid free and is comprised of a three-step treatment:

  • Antibacterial Rinse: This rinse targets harmful bacteria and prevents infection during and after the healing process.
  • Sublingual Spray: This spray targets the soft tissue in the mouth and is used for pain relief. It reduces discomfort and inflammation.
  • Topical Gel: The topical gel works to hydrate the treatment area, accelerate healing and promote healthy gums.

Why Use It?

Patient comfort is important to us. Our dentist and team recommend the StellaLife VEGA Oral Care Recovery Kit as a fast-acting, homeopathic product designed to accelerate recovery after treatments while reducing the need for prescription pain medication. The goal in using this product is to help our patients recover quickly, safely and with the minimal amount of discomfort possible.

Have questions? Call our office at 585-248-2383 and schedule a consultation with Dr. Thomas J. DeStefano.